Generalized Functions
Below are video files that were recorded with the support of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 2014. The files sizes can be quite large. The download links will open in a new window, asking you to confirm download from the SJTU servers.
The videos are copyrighted; in particular, you do not have permission to upload them to any other video sharing site (such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). They are intended for personal use and viewing only.
The usual caveat applies: at the time of recording, inevitably, minor typographical errors were also incorporated. These have not been corrected within the video files. However, the PDF slides corresponding to each lecture can be downloaded further below. There, known errors have been corrected. Further corrections may be sent to
1. Introduction
What are point sources? A first attempt at a mathematical description. How can point source approximations be used for general solutions of differential equations? A first example of a Green function.
2. Generalized Functions (Distributions)
Lots of basic concepts: Functions of compact support. Null sequences and continuous linear maps. Locally integrable functions. The delta "function". Regular and singular distributions.
3. Operations on Distributions
Working with distributions: basic operations such as translation (shifting), dilating (scaling). Can distributions be multiplied? Differentiating distributions. The logarithm and the principle value of 1/x. The Laplacian of 1/|x| in three-dimensional space.
4. Families of Distributions
Sequences and general one-parameter families of distributions. Null sequences of distributions. Convergence and delta families.
5. The Classical Fourier Transform
Functions of rapid decrease (Schwartz functions). The classical Fourier transform of Schwartz functions and its continuity. The inversion theorem for the Fourier transform on Schwartz functions. Further properties of the Fourier transform. Convolution of Schwartz functions.
6. Tempered Distributions and the Fourier Transform
Tempered distributions as a special case of distributions. The Fourier transform for tempered distributions with examples. A major application: solving the homogeneous heat equation in n+1 dimensions with an initial condition as a tempered distribution.